Beds from all over the world
What is the right bed and how to choose it?
Buying a new bed is easier than ever. A visit to your local bed shop or a click of a button in an online store, and that's it. Getting home with the right bed, on the other hand, is anything but easy - it requires knowledge, insight and the right decisions. Want to learn how to choose the right bed and avoid the classic pitfalls? Then read on below.
What is the right bed? The "right bed" matches you and your needs when you lie in it. It may sound obvious, but it's not. Explanation follows. Maybe by now you have already thought about what expectations and wishes the bed should live up to. It can be anything from shape and size to colors and other visual details. But a bed must not only match the bedroom's surroundings and other furnishings: it must be an exact match for you and your needs when you lie in it - for you must use it every night for many years to come.First, consider some bedding choices - the different bed types have both advantages and disadvantages to you and your needs. The market can be difficult to see through, and it will not be easier if you do not know the difference between the different bed types. Vælg den rigtige seng. Below you can see the most important characteristics and compare the most used bed types.
Mattress: A simple bed with spring mattress, pillow top mattress and legs / springs. Good if you do not have special physical needs or wants for your bed or if you want to keep costs to a minimum.
Advantage: Simple, robust and relatively inexpensive.
Disadvantages: Non-adjustable, few mattress layers, relatively low bed and sitting height (if you are tall).

Elevation bed: An electric motor bed and remote control that allows you to adjust / raise the head and leg ends. Convenient if you want to sit up in bed and e.g. read a book if you practice a lot of sports, have water in your legs or have cough problems.
Advantage: Adjustable and remote controlled.
Disadvantages: Get mattress layers, relatively low bed and sitting height (if you are tall).

Continental Bed: A bed with multiple mattress layers for optimal sleeping comfort and support for your body weight. Suitable if you are looking for optimal sleeping comfort and would like to lie higher above the floor than you would with other bed types.
Advantage: Multiple mattress layers, optimum sleeping comfort, high bed and sitting height.
Disadvantages: Non-adjustable.

The bed frame: A classic bed with a wooden or metal frame with inlaid mattress. Good if you do not have special physical needs or wants for your bed, if you would like to give your bed a personal, visual touch or if you want to keep costs to a reasonable minimum.
Advantage: Simple, robust and relatively inexpensive.
Disadvantages: Non-adjustable, few mattress layers, relatively low bed and sitting height (if you are tall).

First and foremost, you need to decide whether you alone use the bed or whether you are two. If it is only yourself and you do not expect you to be in bed in the future, you have only your own needs to take into account. Senge guiden. If you two are going to share the bed, it is important to meet your individual needs. Otherwise, only one will lie well in bed, while the other will find it difficult to settle. Once you decide whether to use the bed by one or two people, you can start to look at the size of the bed. A good rule of thumb is that a bed for two people should be 180 cm or more, while you can settle for a bed width of 90 cm if you are only in bed. If the bed is to be used by an adult and a child, the bed should have a width of 140 cm. The mentioned bed widths are indicative and are intended as a minimum size - you can of course choose other widths if you want more space.
About bed widths: The mentioned bed widths are standard dimensions and are therefore indicative - you can of course choose a wider bed if you want more space or a narrower if the space in the bedroom is cramped. Below you can get an overview of common bed widths:
Single bed (1 person):
80, 90 or 120 cm in width
Double bed (2 persons):
160, 180 or 200 cm in width
Crib (1 adult + 1 child):
140 cm wide
One and a half beds can be used for two people for a few nights. In the case of permanent accommodation, the bed should be wider.
Bed length is also important to consider when choosing a bed size. If you, or your partner, are 190 cm or higher, a bed length of 200 cm will be at the bottom. Fortunately, the market takes this into account why beds with lengths over 200 cm are available.
About bed lengths A rule of thumb says that a bed should be ~ 10–15 cm longer than the person who is going to lie in it. If the bed is to be used by two people, the length of the bed is chosen from the person who is the highest. If you, or your partner, are taller than 200 cm, there are beds with lengths of 210 and 220 cm on the market.
If you read a lot in bed before going to bed, an elevation bed gives you a comfortable backrest as you sit up in bed and read. Likewise, if you need to sleep with lightly raised head or raised legs, an elevation bed is a bed type you should consider.
When choosing the mattress, choose the one that best supports and supports your body weight — for your body weight is crucial to the spring type and firmness the mattress needs to be optimally functional. If you two are going to use the bed, it is important that you each choose a mattress with the right spring type based on your individual body weight.
More about spring types below. Bonell In general, there are three different spring types for mattresses: “Bonell”, “Pocket” and “Multipocket”, of which Bonell is the traditional and robust, but hardly as flexible spring type. Precisely because of the robustness of the Bonell spring, it is long-lasting and is therefore often used in the lower mattress layer in continental beds or in double-sprung box mattresses.
Pocket The pocket is a newer and more flexible spring type, which is housed in a bag of special material that protects the spring and holds it in place. The Multipocket is the most flexible spring type of the above, reminiscent of the Pocket spring in construction. multi Pocket On the other hand, one of the differences between Pocket and Multipocket is that Multipocket springs are smaller in diameter and that there are therefore more springs per meter. m2 in the mattress, which provides maximum flexibility and optimal weight distribution.
Be honest about your body weight when choosing a mattress. It cannot be overemphasized that the choice of mattress should be taken seriously when buying bed. You can buy a bed of the highest quality and for a lot of money, but you will not benefit if you equip it with a mattress that is not suitable for you and your body weight.
If you are two people sleeping in bed, it is important that you choose the mattress and firmness that suits your individual body weight. It may therefore be necessary to choose mattresses with different properties — so that you both will be comfortable in bed.
Modern mattresses seng of good quality have had so-called “comfort zones”. Comfort zones are areas of the mattress that are equipped with extra hard suspension that specifically supports areas of the body that are exposed to everyday stress such as for example neck, shoulders, back, loins and hips. The comfort zones help you, for example, if you suffer from bad back or hurt other parts of the body. If you do not usually suffer from “body aches”, comfort zones may still be beneficial to you as they have a preventive effect.
Mattress life
An mattress lasts an average of 8-10 years before being replaced. After that, the mattress is worn enough that it no longer gives it the same support as when it was new. For top mattresses, and other foam mattresses, they must be replaced every 5 years.Before buying a bed and mattress, you should try the mattress by lying on it. When lying on the mattress, the spine should lie parallel to the bed surface - both when lying on your back and on the side. The buttocks should sink down, while the mattress and top mattress must fill the cavity below the loin, allowing the muscles of the loins and hips to relax throughout the night.If you buy the bed via the net, you generally do not have the opportunity to try the mattress. Some online stores allow you to test out the mattress at your home and return it if the mattress and firmness prove not to be the right one for you. Note that the packaging should not be broken - check with your dealer before you can. breaks the packaging.The top mattress is the bed's top mattress layer, and the mattress that is closest to you and your body. Therefore, this is where you can get the last performance from your bed. When choosing a pillow top, choose the one that best supports your body. This guide touches on two most commonly used types of pillow top mattresses: Memory foam and Latex.As the name suggests, Memory Foam is a foam material that adapts to your body and "remembers" the shape using the body heat you naturally emit during the night. The foam provides good pressure relief and relieves the body's exposed areas. Precisely because Memory foam is formed via body heat, it also holds on to it. If you tend to stay cool during the night, a memory foam mattress is the obvious choice for you as it stays warm.
Latex is a natural rubber material that is both elastic, hardy and breathable. Precisely because Latex is a natural material, it is hypoallergenic and at the same time provides good breathability and ventilation during the night. Therefore, if you suffer from allergies, or tend to get warm while you sleep, a latex mattress is a particularly obvious choice for you.
If you tend to get warm while you sleep, a latex pillowcase may be the right choice for you as the latex dissipates heat for you. On the other hand, if you tend to cool down, a memory foam mattress can be good, as the foam redistributes the body heat you naturally emit at night — which can help keep you warm.
Even though it is as easy as never before to buy a bed online, there is a difference between buying a bed online and in a physical store. In the physical store you can feel and touch the bed and you can immediately experience both the physical and visual impressions while in the store.
Of course, on the web, that part is limited to product photos, specifications and the retailer’s description of the bed. The dealers know this well, which is why some dealers give you the opportunity to try lying in bed at your own home so you can get the same benefits as if you were visiting a physical store.
If the bed or mattress does not live up to expectations, it can be returned and a new one can be sent. This gives you access to a larger selection of dealers and bedding products from all over the world, since you do not have to consider geography in your choice of dealer.
Get started This guide has covered a number of essential points on how to choose the right bed. If you have read and read the entire guide, you will now be better able to assess which bed is right for you. At the same time, you will be better able to avoid the pitfalls that can lead to the wrong choice of bed, mattress or pillowcase, and may already begin to see you in the market.
Best beds and senge in top quality as well as accessories and great guide